Urban Geometry
I was struggling with geometry until 10 grade, when I got the most amazing tutor. She showed me a different side of geometry. Ever since I’ve been indifferent to lines, shapes and 3D space. Cities, buildings, outlines - this is geometry breathing. If one doesn’t know geometry, taking a beautiful picture of a building or a city landscape is a challenging task.
These two beautiful churches in New York left me wander with the camera for a while.
California and it’s vintage cars have been continuously winning my heart.
This picture of a train from Gilroy Gardens, a theme park in CA, always reminds me of a bright future that I hope America is heading towards.
Bridges are my favorite masterpieces of city architecture. Their mission is to connect, to communicate, to ensure that the passage is pleasurable and safe.
Construction on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco began in January of 1933, just in the middle of the Great Depression. It finished under budget and ahead of schedule in 1937.
The famous California Gold Rush increased San Francisco’s population to more than 30,000 in just a few years. The pursuit of money and happiness needed railroad support because the completion of American first transcontinental railway years earlier disconnected the city from the railroad in Oakland. In 1872, a Bay Bridge Committee convened to work on constructing a bridge and connecting it to the existing rail line.
And more of the beautiful and peaceful California coast. Have a good night, world.